Ooredoo Fun Run, Warm Up for 2023

Ooredoo Fun Run 2022, Hulumale’ Central Park, Fri. 23/12, 4.00pm.

The Ooredoo Fun Run on 23/12 was the lead up to New Year 2023 for all fitness enthusiasts.

A quarter of the 5,000 runners can be assured that they are in reasonable fitness condition. 25% of the runners completed the run under 70 minutes. They were mostly children and young people, not adults. A closer analysis of the run informs us that fifteen percent of the runners finished under 60 minutes with the obstacles. They could have otherwise walked this distance under 45-50 minutes. This is a good day’s exercise by WHO standards.

Obstacles were novel and people liked them. Runners had to queue up up for their turn. Everyone had fun. Vice President Faisal Naseem graced the occasion.

Vice President Faisal Naseem, after the run, with MFC Team.

MFC Trainers

Male’ Fitness Club Trainers & Academy Alumni volunteered as Fitness Partners. We were embedded among the runners as assistants and observers. Monitoring the Run was our task. We organized a Warm Up to music and advised people to “pace” the run. We could not help, but notice the smaller category of competitive runners who joined this Fun Run. Our best estimate was six to ten extra minutes to cross the three obstacles placed at the second, third and fourth kilometer mark.


The VERY FIT runner finished at the 25 minutes mark with four additional runners trailing behind. An additional 45 runners finished under 35 minutes and 76 runners finished under 40 minutes. These are VERY FIT people! They are therefore competitive in nature when it comes to a run!

We also counted about 1,100 people whom we would classify as FIT. They all finished under 70 minutes. This is quite a feat considering, this group had to queue up for crossing the obstacles, thereby slowing them down. We counted 200 people who finished under 50 minutes and 900 people who finished under 70 minutes. We would consider them as FIT to REASONABLY FIT. Our estimate is that a large percentage, as high as 70% of the people who participated wished to improve their fitness. Ooredoo provided the awareness and motivation!

Ooredoo Fun Run Dec 2022

It is for this reason that the Ooredoo Fun Run is an important annual fitness event of interest to fitness professionals. We look forward to Ooredoo Fun Run 2023. Happy New Year.


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New Year 2023