Gym Opening


COVID-19 Gym closure was extended into a third week today. That is up to Wed 26 May. Therefore, the earliest possible Gym opening date is Wed 26 May. Given the sustained high transmission rates, extension of the curfew into a fourth week cannot be ruled out. In this case, gym opening may be delayed to Wed 3 June. We however hope we will not have to lose a fourth week. In the meantime, home based workouts  is the only available option. We look forward to open as soon as we get HPA permission.

We are requesting our members and academy students to viber us an image of your vaccine card. Our viber number is 747-2535. We have already received a number of two doses and one dose cards. We are keen to hear from you. We also want to know if you have NOT received the vaccine yet. The idea is to encourage all members to get vaccinated. This will help us open the gym safely for all members. Please keep in touch.

NATIONAL CERTIFICATE III in Fitness Instructor, Batch 11

Due to lockdown extension, we have had to shift Block 1 dates from 22-31 May to the NEW date of 5-14 June. We have some 33 candidates interested in enrolling. We have space for 12 students per Batch. Interested students may reach out to our course coordinator Aishath Saba on our Front Desk 332-8722 or Mobile number 747-2535.Our email address is

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We are launching our new website.


Gyms gasp for breath as lockdown extends.


The New Normal & Gym Rates