Introduction to Gym

12 to 16 years

Introduction to Gym is an advanced program for thirteen- to sixteen-year-olds interested in taking up gym-based fitness as a lifestyle habit.

The average class size is 10 students. Classes are delivered in the club’s Fitness Weight Room and Fitness Studio. All instructors are certified. We offer three one-hour classes per week or twelve classes per month.

Children will be introduced to cardiovascular and resistance exercises as their fitness regime. While cardiovascular options include jogging and aquatics, we will introduce the student to gym-based resistance exercise including body weight functional exercises. We will teach students correct techniques. Children will also be encouraged to adopt active health habits including good nutritional practices.

These classes are offered in the Fitness Studio (movement skills and minor games) and the Weight Room (free weight and machine exercises). The objective of this class is to introduce the student to the world of personal fitness as a lifestyle habit.

Class Schedule


THOOMA is a practicing PE teacher presently studying exercise science in a National Certificate III, Fitness Instructor course. Her interests are in Physical Education and Introduction to Fitness classes. Introduction to Fitness is the advanced version of Junior PE.